A Public Place

Stories  Background

Romeo's  Slashings

Plot Makeup

Actor Contacts


A Public Place

The Title

A Public Place A.S.A.P. Films


A Public Place is an action slash drama.  It's a scene in Romeo and Juliet where Mercutio and Tybalt become angry with each other and fight...  Tybalt kills Mercutio when Romeo gets in the way.  In avenging Mercutio, Romeo challenges Tybalt.  In a bralling fight, using Matrix moves, Romeo finally defeats Tybalt on the top of a barn...   

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Though this film was originally a school project for the shakespear section in english, it soon became the best 20 minute video we had.  The effects even bewildered us as we watched it!!!  We didn't use wire frames, even though that was thought about, just a lot of planning and practice.  The first day of filming was the sword fights between Romeo and Tybalt.  With only two people (the actors, Max and I) we filmed in my barnyard.  On the second day we had all the people come over and we filmed the rest of the sword fight.  The part where we jumped on the top of a old cow barn, there we mostly did hand to hand combat.  We also did the talking scenes and Mercutio and Tybalt's fight, that was short... 


The songs in A Public Place, were limited.  There were only about four.  They fit very nicely and made the video very good.  There were few when I was making it that said the song Get Busy was too sexual but I put it in anyways, and it was a hit...  It was right after it came out, almost no one had heard it more than once.


The content of the video it not bad at all, althought there's was a 10 minute sword fight which wound up having Tybalt get stabbed.  But there was no swearing or anything like that, the dialoge was read strait from the text book...





PG - For sword fighting and dangerous stunts